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Why won't my cat eat?

It can quickly become quite concerning if your feline friend isn't eating any of their meals. Here, our Snellville vets discuss why your cat is not eating, what to do if your cat won't eat and when it might be an emergency.

My Cat Won't Eat

Cats can sometimes be temperamental, leading us to believe they are not eating because they are moody. However, your cat may be experiencing an illness of discomfort, which may cause them to avoid eating. Read on to learn more about one of the questions we are often asked, 'Why won't my cat eat?'

What is too long for a cat not to eat?

When a cat suddenly stops eating, it usually means they are experiencing an illness. Therefore, it is important to monitor your cat, and if the behavior lasts more than a day, you should contact your nearest emergency vet immediately. The sooner the reason is identified, the sooner treatment can begin so your cat can feel better.

Why won't my cat eat?

Change of Food: Changing food brands is enough to make some cats turn their noses up at their food. If a change is needed, it's important to introduce new foods slowly.

Change in Home Routine: Cats love following a routine and having structure. Sudden changes in their routine or environment could lead to them not eating as much as usual.

Pain or Discomfort: Cats with dental tooth pain, such as infections or injuries, an abscess, a broken tooth, oral tumors, or other inflammatory issues, will avoid eating due to the pain experienced while eating.

Indigestion: Indigestion is one of the most common reasons cats don't eat or drink. Food and water can cause discomfort, so cats may avoid them until the discomfort passes. One cause of indigestion could be foreign bodies (tumors or a swallowed object), leading to vomiting or diarrhea. 

Kidney Disease: Kidney disease is one of the most common ailments in cats, particularly in older cats, and will cause your cat extreme nausea.

Gastrointestinal Problem: If your cat has gastrointestinal (GI) issues, they could avoid eating due to discomfort. This could be a result of a variety of underlying health issues that could be happening in your cat’s gastrointestinal tract:

  • Parasites
  • Cancer (e.g., intestinal lymphoma)
  • Pancreatitis (inflammation or infection of the pancreas)
  • Colitis (acute or chronic inflammation of the membrane lining the colon)
  • Gastroenteritis (inflammation or infection of the GI tract)

What to Do if Your Cat is Not Eating

Some of the ways that you can help increase your cat's appetite are:

  • Ensure your cat’s environment is safe and the food dish is in a quiet area.
  • Keep your cat’s food and water bowls clean. Stainless steel bowls are easy to clean and disinfect.
  • Give them canned or wet food - strong-smelling food such as seafood is a good option.
  • Gently warm the food in the microwave or with warm water. 
  • Try drenching their solid food with the juice from a tuna can.
  • Give your cat nutritional supplements as recommended by a vet.

When is a lack of appetite an emergency?

Unfortunately, cats who stop eating can quickly become sick, making it a serious medical concern. Therefore, if your cat goes without eating for more than 24 hours, it is important to contact your vet to schedule an examination.

It's also essential to monitor and contact your vet if your dog is not drinking or is displaying other symptoms or behavioral changes. Your vet can help determine the cause and best treatment plan.

If they are exhibiting other concerning symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or panting, along with a decreased appetite, you should bring them to your nearest emergency veterinary hospital right away.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

If your cat hasn't been eating or shows signs of medical distress, please contact our vets in Snellville for emergency care.

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